
Zartashia Zareen Motivational Speaker, and Life-coach

Our Training Programs

Personality Grooming Programme

You are one of your own Kind. But living in a society, we need to adopt certain ways, and to avoid certain things within our personality. This whole process is labeled as Personality Grooming. We have different Courses for different people. 

  1. Personality Grooming for Students
  2. Personality Grooming for Female
  3.  Personality Grooming for Working Individuals
  4. Personality Grooming for Businessmen  
Career Counseling by Zartashia Zareen

Career Counseling

You need to be guided properly which way to go by someone more experienced than you yourself. It is a mechanism that helps you understand the work-field so that you can make better choices in selecting your career, educational discipline and moreover in order to take right decisions in your life. Career Counseling is far more than just deciding on a major of studies, or a work-field.

We will take you the right place, the right career for you or your kids.

Peace of Mind training by Zartashia Zareen

Peace of MIND

Serenity is an ideal condition but thundering waves of thoughts always keep us away from this serenity.calmness is our basic need. But the ups and downs of daily life or trivial matters make it difficult for us to have the blessing of mental peace.If we attain this peace of mind, we can concur all fears and can also fight well with the atrocities of life.

Peace of Mind means your mental freedom, a state of calmness when you don’t have any sort of stress on your mind, and you feel relaxed from all burdens and anxieties of life. 

Our comprehensive training sessions will lead you to a permanent state of peaceful mind. 

Motivational Training by Zartashia Zareen

Motivational Lectures & Trainings

“Motivation is like Lightening. It strikes randomly but with Powerful Force.”

We need motivation in our daily life time and again. We need to get motivated throughout our life in order to compete with the society and achieve our goals. 

We provide Motivational lectures and Trainings to Individuals as well as to Companies or Institutions. In this category, following people/ institutions may contact us: 

  1. Universities
  2. Colleges
  3. Schools
  4. Marketing Companies 
  5. Corporate Companies
  6. Individuals
  7. A Group of Individuals
Life-Coaching with Zartashia Zareen Motivational Speaker

life coaching


A life coach is a person  who helps you in fighting with your all spiritual or worldly fights and indirectly helps you grow in your career by facing and meeting up all the challenges.

He/ she guides his/ her clients to achieve their ultimate goals. You get help from the life-coach in various fields of life. As everybody has a different soul, so are his/ her objectives of life. And with the help of our this session, you are able to meet your real objectives of life. 

Solution of Broken Family Relationshipa by Zartashia Zareen

Broken Family Relationships


“A broken family is one that includes unhealthy or severed relationships within the family unit,” Anderson.

Basically, the broken home is a single-parent family which is not an effective family in terms of sociologists. The basic structure of a healthy family is a Two-Parent-Family living happily with their kids under the same roof with love, care and dedication. 

The major causes of Broken Families are:

  1. Marital Problems
  2. Poor family relationships
  3. mental health issues
  4. financial problems
  5. changes in living arrangements
Organizational Problems

Organizational Problem Solutions

Social Issues

Social issues


Social issues are those problems of the society that can affect people at large scale. Such issues arise out of certain disagreement among the people based ob their beliefs, opinions, religion, etc.

Some prominent Social issues are:

  1. Poverty
  2. child marriage
  3. Violence
  4. Crime
  5. Illiteracy
  6. Racial Discrimination
  7. Gender Bias
  8. Economic Inequality
  9. Caste Discrimination
Business Development by using our Social Media Platforms

Expand Your Business with Our Social Media Platforms


Our Social media Platforms have millions of video views and people reach. We give you an advantage that our social media platforms give your product and companies a targeted boom to their business. 

In simple words, we guarantee you the growth of your company and products by and large.

This includes increasing revenues, growth in terms of business expansion, increasing profitability by building strategic partnerships, and making strategic business decisions.

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